Antrea Egress


Antrea Egress:

What is Egress when we talk about Kubernetes? Well if a pod wants to communicate to the outside world, outside the Kubernetes cluster it runs in, out of the worker node the pod resides on, this is egress traffic (definition "the action of going out of or leaving a place" and in network terminology means the direction is outward from itself).

Why does egress matter? Well, usually when the pods communicate out, they will use the IP address of the worker node they currently is deployed on. Thats means the actual pod IP is not the address you should be expecting when doing network inspection, tcpdump, firewall rules etc, it is the Kubernetes worker nodes IP addresses. What we call this network feature is NAT, Network Address Translation. All Kubernetes worker nodes will take the actual POD IP and translate it to its own IP before sending the traffic out of itself. And as we know, we don't know where the pod will be deployed, and the pods can be many and will relocate so in certain environments it can be hard, not granular enough to create firewall rules in the perimeter firewall to allow or block traffic from a certain pod when needed when we only can use the IP addresses of the worker nodes.

Thats where Antrea Egress comes in. With Antrea Egress we have the option to dictate which specific IP address the POD can use when communication out by using an IP address that is not its POD IP address but a valid and allowed IP address in the network. You can read more on the Antrea Egress feature here

As the diagram below will illustrate, when pods communicate out, the will all get their POD IP addresses translated into the worker node's IP address. And the firewall between worker node and the SQL server are only able to allow or block the IP address of the worker node. That means we potentially allow or block all pods coming from this node, or nodes if we allow the range of all the worker nodes.

Ofcourse we can use Antrea Native Policies which I have written about here or VMware NSX with NCP, and VMware NSX with Antrea Integration to do fine grained security from source. But still there are environments we need to handle rules in perimeter firewalls.

So, this post will show how to enable Antrea Egress in vSphere 8 with Tanzu. With the current release of Antrea there is only support of using the same L2 network as worker nodes for the Antrea Egress IP-Pool.

As we can see in the diagram above, Antrea Egress has been configured with an IP-Pool the pods can get if we apply Antrea Egress IPs for them to use. It will then take a free IP from the Egress IP Pool and which is within the same L2 subnet as the workers are configured on. This is very easy to do and achieve. No need to create static routes, Antrea takes care of the IP mapping. With this in place the firewall rule is now very strict, I can allow only the IP (which is the IP the POD got from Antrea Egress Pool) and block the worker node ip address.

But.... I wanted to go a bit further and make use of L3 anyway for my Antrea Egress IP-Pool by utilizing BGP. Thats where the fun starts and this article is actually about. What I would like to achieve is that the IP address pool I configfure with Antrea Egress is something completely different from what the workers are using, not even the same L2 subnet but a completely different subnet. That means we need to involve some clever routing, and some configuration done on the worker nodes as its actually their IP addresses that becomes the gateway for our Antrea Egress subnets.

Something like this:

The diagram above shows a pod getting an IP address from the Egress pool which is something completely different from what subnet the worker node itself has. What Antrea does is creating a virtual interface on the worker node and assigns all the relevant ip addresses that are being used by Antrea Egress on that interface. They will use the default route on the worker node itself when going out, but the only component in the network that does know about this Egress subnet is the worker node itself, so it needs to tell this to his buddy routers out there. Either we create a static route on the router (could be the next hop of the worker node, the closest one, or some other hop in the infrastructure) or use BGP. Static route is more or less useless, too many ip addresses to update each time an egress ip is being applied, it could be on any worker node etc. So BGP is the way to go.

The Diagram below illustrates what happens if we dont tell our network routers where this network comes from and where it can be reached. It will egress out, but no one knows the way back.

As soon as the routers are informed of the address to this IP address they will be more than happy to deliver it for us, thats their job. Imagine being a postman delivering a packet somewhere in a country without any direction, address etc to narrow down his search field. In the scenario above the return traffic will most likely be sent out via a default route to the Internet and never to be seen again 😄

So after we have been so kind to update with the exact delivery address below, we will get our mail again.

Enough explanation already, get to the actual config of this.

Configure Antrea Egress in TKC (vSphere 8)

Deploy your TKC cluster, it must be Ubuntu os for this to work:

 2kind: Cluster
 4  name: wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1  # give your tkc cluster a name
 5  namespace: wdc-2-ns-1 # remember to put it in your defined vSphere Namespace
 7  clusterNetwork:
 8    services:
 9      cidrBlocks: [""]
10    pods:
11      cidrBlocks: [""]
12    serviceDomain: "cluster.local"
13  topology:
14    class: tanzukubernetescluster
15    version: v1.23.8---vmware.2-tkg.2-zshippable
16    controlPlane:
17      replicas: 1
18      metadata:
19        annotations:
20 os-name=ubuntu
21    workers:
22      machineDeployments:
23        - class: node-pool
24          name: node-pool-01
25          replicas: 3
26          metadata:
27            annotations:
28     os-name=ubuntu
29    variables:
30      - name: vmClass
31        value: best-effort-medium
32      - name: storageClass
33        value: vsan-default-storage-policy

Apply the correct Antrea configs, enable the Egress feature:

 2kind: AntreaConfig
 4  name: wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-antrea-package
 5  namespace: wdc-2-ns-1
 7  antrea:
 8    config:
 9      featureGates:
10        AntreaProxy: true
11        EndpointSlice: false
12        AntreaPolicy: true
13        FlowExporter: false
14        Egress: true #This needs to be enabled
15        NodePortLocal: true
16        AntreaTraceflow: true
17        NetworkPolicyStats: true

Log in to your newly created TKC cluster:

1kubectl-vsphere login --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkc-cluster-1 --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace ns-1

Delete the Antrea Controller and Agent pods. Now that we have done the initial config of our TKC cluster its time to test Antrea Egress within same subnet as worker nodes just to verify that it works.

From now on you should stay in the context of your newly created TKC cluster.

Verify Antrea Egress works with L2

To be able to use Antrea Egress we need to first start with an IP-Pool definition. So I create my definition like this:

 2kind: ExternalIPPool
 4    name: antrea-ippool-l2 #just a name of this specific pool
 6    ipRanges:
 7    - start: # make sure not to use already used ips
 8      end: # should not overlap with worker nodes
 9#    - cidr:  # or you can define a whole range with cidr /32, /27 etc
10    nodeSelector: {} # you can remove the brackets and define which nodes you want below by using labels
11#      matchLabels:
12#        egress-l2: antrea-egress-l2

Apply your yaml definition above:

1andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress$ k apply -f ippool.wdc2.tkc.cluster-1.yaml created

Then we need to define the actual Egress itself. What we do with this config is selecting which pod that should get an Egress ip, from wich Antrea Egress IP pool (we can have several). So here is my example:

 2kind: Egress
 4  name: antrea-egress-l2 #just a name of this specific Egress config
 6  appliedTo:
 7    podSelector:
 8      matchLabels:
 9        app: ubuntu-20-04  ###Which pods should get Egress IPs
10  externalIPPool: antrea-ippool-l2 ###The IP pool I defined above.

Before I apply it I will just make sure that I have a pod running the these labels, if not I will deploy it and then apply the Egress. So before I apply it I will show pinging from my pod to my jumpbox VM to identify which IP it is using before applying the Egress. And the apply the Egress and see if IP changes from the POD.

My ubuntu pod is up and running, I have entered the shell on it and initiates a ping from my pod to my jumpbox VM:

So here I can see the POD identifies itself with IP Well which worker is that?:

1andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k get pods -n prod -o wide
2NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP          NODE                                                      NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
3ubuntu-20-04-c9776f965-t8nmf   1/1     Running   0          20h   wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds   <none>           <none>
4andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k get nodes -o wide
5NAME                                                      STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION            INTERNAL-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE             KERNEL-VERSION      CONTAINER-RUNTIME
6wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-qn52t   Ready    <none>                 20h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
7wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-wmj7z   Ready    <none>                 20h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
8wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds   Ready    <none>                 20h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
9wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                           Ready    control-plane,master   20h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6

That is this worker: wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds.

So far so good. Now let me apply the Egress on this POD.

1andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress$ k apply -f antrea.egress.l2.yaml created

Now how does the ping look like?

This was as expected was it not? The POD now identifies itself with the IP which happens to be the first IP in the range defined in the pool. Well, this is cool. Now we now that Antrea Egress works. But as mentioned, I want this to be done with a different subnet than the worker nodes. Se lets see have we can do that as "seemless" as possible, as we dont want to SSH into the worker nodes and do a bunch of manual installation, configuration and so on. No, we use Kubernetes for our needs here also.

Configure FRR on worker nodes

What I want to achieve is to deploy FRR here on my worker nodes unattended to enable BGP pr worker node to my upstream BGP router (remember, to inform about the Egress network no one knows about). The TKC workers are managed appliances, they can be deleted, scaled up and down (more workers, fewer workers.) And Deploying something manual on them are just waste of time. So we need something that deploy FRR automatically on the worker nodes.

FRR is easy to deploy and configure, and it is included in the Ubuntu default repo (one reason I wanted to use Ubuntu as worker os). FRR is a very good routing protocol suite in Linux and is deployed easy on Ubuntu with "apt install frr". FRR can be configured to use BGP which is the routing protocol I want to use. FRR needs two config files, daemons and frr.conf. frr.conf is individual pr node (specific IP addresses) so we need to take that into consideration also. So how can I deploy FRR on the worker nodes with their individal configuration files to automatically establish a BGP neighbourship with my Upstream router, and without logging into the actual worker nodes themselves?

Below diagram just illustrating a tkc worker node with FRR installed and BGP configured:

Kubernetes and Daemonset.

I have created three Daemonset definition files, one for the actual deployment of FRR on all the nodes:

Then I have created on Daemonset definition to copy the frr.conf and daemons file for the specific worker nodes and the last definition file is used to uninistall everything on the worker nodes themselves (apt purge frr) if needed.

Lets start by just deploy FRR on the workers themselves.

Here is the defintion for that:

 2apiVersion: apps/v1
 3kind: DaemonSet
 5  namespace: kube-system
 6  name: node-custom-setup
 7  labels:
 8    k8s-app: node-custom-setup
 9  annotations:
10    command: &cmd apt-get update -qy && apt-get install -qy frr
12  selector:
13    matchLabels:
14      k8s-app: node-custom-setup
15  template:
16    metadata:
17      labels:
18        k8s-app: node-custom-setup
19    spec:
20      hostNetwork: true
21      initContainers:
22      - name: init-node
23        command:
24          - nsenter
25          - --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt
26          - --
27          - sh
28          - -c
29          - *cmd
30        image: alpine:3.7
31        securityContext:
32          privileged: true
33      hostPID: true
34      containers:
35      - name: wait
36        image: pause:3.1
37      hostPID: true
38      hostNetwork: true
39      tolerations:
40      - effect: NoSchedule
41        key:
42  updateStrategy:
43    type: RollingUpdate

Before I apply the above definiton I have logged into one of my TKC worker node and just wants to show that there is no FRR installed:

1sh-5.0# cd /etc/frr
2sh: cd: /etc/frr: No such file or directory
3sh-5.0# systemctl status frr
4Unit frr.service could not be found.
5sh-5.0# hostname

Now apply:

 1andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k apply -f deploy-frr.yaml 
 2daemonset.apps/node-custom-setup configured
 4andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k get pods -n kube-system 
 5NAME                                                                      READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
 6antrea-agent-4jrks                                                        2/2     Running    0          20h
 7antrea-agent-4khkr                                                        2/2     Running    0          20h
 8antrea-agent-4wxb5                                                        2/2     Running    0          20h
 9antrea-agent-ccglp                                                        2/2     Running    0          20h
10antrea-controller-56d86d6b9b-hvrtc                                        1/1     Running    0          20h
11coredns-7d8f74b498-j5sjt                                                  1/1     Running    0          21h
12coredns-7d8f74b498-mgqrm                                                  1/1     Running    0          21h
13docker-registry-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-qn52t   1/1     Running    0          21h
14docker-registry-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-wmj7z   1/1     Running    0          21h
15docker-registry-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds   1/1     Running    0          21h
16docker-registry-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                           1/1     Running    0          21h
17etcd-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                                      1/1     Running    0          21h
18kube-apiserver-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                            1/1     Running    0          21h
19kube-controller-manager-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                   1/1     Running    0          21h
20kube-proxy-44qxn                                                          1/1     Running    0          21h
21kube-proxy-4x72n                                                          1/1     Running    0          21h
22kube-proxy-shhxb                                                          1/1     Running    0          21h
23kube-proxy-zxhdb                                                          1/1     Running    0          21h
24kube-scheduler-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                            1/1     Running    0          21h
25metrics-server-6777988975-cxnpv                                           1/1     Running    0          21h
26node-custom-setup-5rlkr                                                   1/1     Running    0          34s #There they are
27node-custom-setup-7gf2v                                                   1/1     Running    0          62m #There they are
28node-custom-setup-b4j4l                                                   1/1     Running    0          62m #There they are
29node-custom-setup-wjpgz                                                   0/1     Init:0/1   0          1s  #There they are

Now what has happened on the TKC worker nodes itself:

1sh-5.0# cd /etc/frr/
2sh-5.0# pwd
4sh-5.0# ls
5daemons  frr.conf  support_bundle_commands.conf  vtysh.conf
6sh-5.0# systemctl status frr
7● frr.service - FRRouting
8     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/frr.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
9     Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-02-20 17:53:33 UTC; 1min 36s ago

Wow that looks good. But the frr.conf is more or less empty so it doesnt do anything right now.

A note on FRR config on the worker nodes

Before jumping into this section I would like to elaborate a bit around the frr.conf files being copied. If you are expecting that all worker nodes will be on same BGP AS number and your next-hop BGP neighbors are the same ones and in the same L2 as your worker node (illustrated above) you could probably go with the same config for all worker nodes. Then you can edit the same definition used for the FRR deployment to also copy and install the config in the same operation. The steps I do below describes individual config pr worker node. If you need different BGP AS numbers, multi-hop (next-hop is several hops away), individual update-source interfaces is configured then you need individual frr.config pr node.

Individual FRR config on the worker nodes

I need to "inject" the correct config for each worker node. So I label each and one with their unique label like this: (I map the names node1->lowest-ip)

I have already configured my upstream bgp router to accept my workers as soon as they are configured and ready. This is how this looks.

 1router bgp 65802
 2 bgp router-id
 3 redistribute connected
 4 neighbor remote-as 66889
 5 neighbor remote-as 66889
 6 neighbor remote-as 66889
 7 neighbor remote-as 65700
 9 address-family ipv6
10 exit-address-family
11 exit
14cpodrouter-nsxam-wdc-02# show ip bgp summary 
15BGP router identifier, local AS number 65802
16RIB entries 147, using 16 KiB of memory
17Peers 4, using 36 KiB of memory
19Neighbor        V         AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd
2010.102.6.15     4 66889    1191    1197        0    0    0 never    Active     # Node1 not Established yet
2110.102.6.16     4 66889       0       0        0    0    0 never    Active     # Node2 not Established yet
2210.102.6.17     4 66889    1201    1197        0    0    0 never    Active     # Node3 not Established yet
23172.20.0.1      4 65700   19228   19172        0    0    0 01w4d09h       65

To verify again, this is the current output of frr.conf on node1:

1sh-5.0# cat frr.conf 
2# default to using syslog. /etc/rsyslog.d/45-frr.conf places the log
3# in /var/log/frr/frr.log
4log syslog informational

This is the definition I use to copy the daemons and frr.conf for the individual worker nodes:

 2apiVersion: apps/v1
 3kind: DaemonSet
 5  namespace: kube-system
 6  name: node-frr-config
 7  labels:
 8    k8s-app: node-frr-config
 9  annotations:
10    command: &cmd cp /tmp/wdc-2.node1.frr.conf /etc/frr/frr.conf && cp /tmp/daemons /etc/frr && systemctl restart frr
12  selector:
13    matchLabels:
14      k8s-app: node-frr-config
15  template:
16    metadata:
17      labels:
18        k8s-app: node-frr-config
19    spec:
20      nodeSelector:
21        nodelabel: wdc2-node1 #Here is my specific node selection done
22      hostNetwork: true
23      initContainers:
24      - name: copy-file
25        image: busybox
26        command: ['sh', '-c', 'cp /var/nfs/wdc-2.node1.frr.conf /var/nfs/daemons /data']
27        volumeMounts:
28        - name: nfs-vol
29          mountPath: /var/nfs # The mountpoint inside the container
30        - name: node-vol
31          mountPath: /data
32      - name: init-node
33        command:
34          - nsenter
35          - --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt
36          - --
37          - sh
38          - -c
39          - *cmd
40        image: alpine:3.7
41        securityContext:
42          privileged: true
43      hostPID: true
44      containers:
45      - name: wait
46        image: pause:3.1
47      hostPID: true
48      hostNetwork: true
49      tolerations:
50      - effect: NoSchedule
51        key:
52      volumes:
53      - name: nfs-vol
54        nfs:
55          server: 
56          path: /home/andreasm/antrea/egress/FRR/nfs 
57      - name: node-vol
58        hostPath:
59          path: /tmp
60          type: Directory
61  updateStrategy:
62    type: RollingUpdate

Notice this:

1       nodeSelector:
2        nodelabel: wdc2-node1

This is used to select the correct node after I have labeled them like this:

1andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k get nodes -o wide
2NAME                                                      STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION            INTERNAL-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE             KERNEL-VERSION      CONTAINER-RUNTIME
3wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-qn52t   Ready    <none>                 21h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
4wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-wmj7z   Ready    <none>                 21h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
5wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds   Ready    <none>                 21h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
6wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                           Ready    control-plane,master   21h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
8andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k label node wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds nodelabel=wdc2-node1
9node/wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds labeled

So its just about time to apply the configs pr node:

 1andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k apply -f wdc2.frr.node1.config.yaml 
 2daemonset.apps/node-custom-setup configured
 3andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k get pods -n kube-system 
 4NAME                                                                      READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
 5antrea-agent-4jrks                                                        2/2     Running    0          21h
 6antrea-agent-4khkr                                                        2/2     Running    0          21h
 7antrea-agent-4wxb5                                                        2/2     Running    0          21h
 8antrea-agent-ccglp                                                        2/2     Running    0          21h
 9antrea-controller-56d86d6b9b-hvrtc                                        1/1     Running    0          21h
10coredns-7d8f74b498-j5sjt                                                  1/1     Running    0          21h
11coredns-7d8f74b498-mgqrm                                                  1/1     Running    0          21h
12docker-registry-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-qn52t   1/1     Running    0          21h
13docker-registry-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-wmj7z   1/1     Running    0          21h
14docker-registry-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds   1/1     Running    0          21h
15docker-registry-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                           1/1     Running    0          21h
16etcd-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                                      1/1     Running    0          21h
17kube-apiserver-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                            1/1     Running    0          21h
18kube-controller-manager-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                   1/1     Running    0          21h
19kube-proxy-44qxn                                                          1/1     Running    0          21h
20kube-proxy-4x72n                                                          1/1     Running    0          21h
21kube-proxy-shhxb                                                          1/1     Running    0          21h
22kube-proxy-zxhdb                                                          1/1     Running    0          21h
23kube-scheduler-wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                            1/1     Running    0          21h
24metrics-server-6777988975-cxnpv                                           1/1     Running    0          21h
25node-custom-setup-w4mg5                                                   0/1     Init:0/2   0          4s

Now what does my upstream router say:

 1cpodrouter-nsxam-wdc-02# show ip bgp summary 
 2BGP router identifier, local AS number 65802
 3RIB entries 149, using 16 KiB of memory
 4Peers 4, using 36 KiB of memory
 6Neighbor        V         AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd
 710.102.6.15     4 66889    1202    1209        0    0    0 00:00:55        2 #Hey I am a happy neighbour
 810.102.6.16     4 66889       0       0        0    0    0 never    Active     
 910.102.6.17     4 66889    1201    1197        0    0    0 never    Active     
10172.20.0.1      4 65700   19249   19194        0    0    0 01w4d10h       65
12Total number of neighbors 4
14Total num. Established sessions 2
15Total num. of routes received     67

Then I just need to deploy on the other two workers.

My upstream bgp router is very happy to have new established neighbours:

 1cpodrouter-nsxam-wdc-02# show ip bgp summary 
 2BGP router identifier, local AS number 65802
 3RIB entries 153, using 17 KiB of memory
 4Peers 4, using 36 KiB of memory
 6Neighbor        V         AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd
 710.102.6.15     4 66889    1221    1232        0    0    0 00:01:01        2
 810.102.6.16     4 66889      11      16        0    0    0 00:00:36        2
 910.102.6.17     4 66889    1225    1227        0    0    0 00:00:09        2
10172.20.0.1      4 65700   19254   19205        0    0    0 01w4d10h       65
12Total number of neighbors 4

Antrea IP Pool outside subnet of worker nodes

Lets apply an IP pool which resides outside worker nodes subnet and apply Egress on my test pod again.

Here is the IP pool config:

 2kind: ExternalIPPool
 4    name: antrea-ippool-l3
 6    ipRanges:
 7    - start:
 8      end:
 9#    - cidr:
10    nodeSelector: {}
11#      matchLabels:
12#        egress-l3: antrea-egress-l3

And the Egress:

 2kind: Egress
 4  name: antrea-egress-l3
 6  appliedTo:
 7    podSelector:
 8      matchLabels:
 9        app: ubuntu-20-04  
10  externalIPPool: antrea-ippool-l3 

Apply it and check the IP address from the POD....

Well, how about that?

I know my workers reside on these ip addresses, but my POD is using a completely different IP address:

1andreasm@linuxvm01:~/antrea/egress/deploy-frr$ k get nodes -o wide
2NAME                                                      STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION            INTERNAL-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE             KERNEL-VERSION      CONTAINER-RUNTIME
3wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-qn52t   Ready    <none>                 21h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
4wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-wmj7z   Ready    <none>                 21h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
5wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-node-pool-01-5hz5z-5597d8895f-z7cds   Ready    <none>                 21h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6
6wdc-2-tkc-cluster-1-xrj44-qq24c                           Ready    control-plane,master   21h   v1.23.8+vmware.2   <none>        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS   5.4.0-128-generic   containerd://1.6.6

What about the routing table in my upstream bgp router:

1*>              0             0 66889 ?

Well have you seen..

Objective accomplished---->