
Welcome to my blog.

This is the personal blog of Andreas Marqvardsen. I am currently a Tanzu Lead Solution Engineer @VMware and have been working in the IT industry since 2001. Joined VMware in 2019 as a Solution Engineer in the Networking and Security Business unit focusing on NSX and NSX Advanced LoadBalancer, joined Tanzu Business Unit in 2022 focusing on everything Kubernetes related.

Before joining VMware I worked as a consultant doing troubleshooting, design and implementation mostly around VMware solutions. In the beginning it was all about VMware Virtual Infrastructure, now vSphere, the typical hardware architecture Compute, Network and Storage to the whole software defined datacenter. The last years before joining VMware I focused mostly on design and implementation of NSX.

Always interested in new technology, understanding how the technology works and how it can be used. This blog is mostly around what I do in my line of work, but it can also reflect some other stuff I find interesting from time to time.

Areas of interest: Kubernetes, Virtulization, Neworking, Security, Linux, OpenSource solutions, DiY projects, Home-Automation, Electronics..

I created this blog page many years ago where one of the purposes was to use it as my "knowledge" base for my own use but also at the same time share it publicly for others if it can provide some useful information.

All views expressed on this site is solely my own personal views, not my employer or partners.


1E-mail: andreas.marqvardsen[at]gmail.com 
