TKG 2.3 deployment in multiple availability zones


Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.3 and availability zones

TKG 2.3 brings support for multiple availability zones (AZs) in the stable feature set. So I wanted to explore this possibility and how to configure it. I will go through the configuratuons steps needed before deployment of a new TKG management cluster and TKG workload cluster using different availability zones. This post's primary focus is the multi availability zone feature, so I will not go into details in general TKG configurations such networking, loadbalancing as I already have a post covering a "standard" installation of TKG.

I will start by deploying the TKG management worker nodes on two of my three vSphere clusters (Cluster-2 and 3) and control-plane nodes in my vSphere Cluster-1, just to illustrate that with TKG 2.3 I can control where the respective type of nodes will be placed. Then I will deploy a TKG workload cluster (tkg-cluster-1) using the same zone-placement as the TKG management cluster. Both the TKG management cluster deployment and first workload cluster will be using vSphere clusters as availability zones. It will end up looking like this:


When I have deployed my tkg-cluster-1 (workload cluster) I will apply another zone-config using vSphere DRS host-groups and provision a second TKG workload cluster (tkg-cluster-2-hostgroups) using a zone config configured to use vSphere DRS host-groups where I will define DRS rules on Cluster-3 dividing the four hosts into two zones, something like this:

This post will be using a vSphere as the TKG infrastructure provider. The vSphere environment consists of 1 vCenter server, 3 vSphere clusters with 4 hosts in each ( a total of 12 ESXi hosts equally distributed across 3 vSphere clusters). All vSphere clusters are providing their own vSAN datastore local to their vSphere cluster. There is no stretched vSAN nor any datastore replication going on. NSX is the underlaying network infrastructure and NSX-ALB for all loadbalancing needs. To get started there is some steps that needs to be done in vCenter, a prepared linux jumphost/bootstrap client with necessary cli tools. So lets start with the preparations.


This section will cover all the needed preparations to get TKG 2.3 up and running in multiple availability zones. First out is the Linux jumphost, then vCenter configurations before doing the deployment. For more details on all requirements I dont cover in this post, head over to the offical documentation here

Linux jumphost with necessary Tanzu CLI tools

The Linux jumphost needs to be configured with the following specifications:

  • A Linux, Windows, or macOS operating system running on a physical or virtual machine that has the following hardware:
    • At least 8 GB of RAM. VMware recommends 16 GB of RAM.
    • A disk with 50 GB of available storage.
    • 2 or 4 2-core CPUs.
    • Docker installed and running.

When that is sorted, log into the jumphost and start by grabbing the Tanzu CLI. This has become very easy compared to earlier. My Linux jumphost is running Ubuntu, so I just need to add the repository for the Tanzu CLI like this:

1sudo apt update
2sudo apt install -y ca-certificates curl gpg
3sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
4curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/tanzu-archive-keyring.gpg
5echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/tanzu-archive-keyring.gpg] tanzu-cli-jessie main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tanzu.list
6sudo apt update
7sudo apt install -y tanzu-cli

If not using Ubuntu, or you prefer another method of installation, read here for more options.

Then I need to install the necessary Tanzu CLI plugins like this:

 1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu plugin group get vmware-tkg/default:v2.3.0 # to list them
 2[i] Reading plugin inventory for "", this will take a few seconds.
 3Plugins in Group:  vmware-tkg/default:v2.3.0
 4  NAME                TARGET      VERSION
 5  isolated-cluster    global      v0.30.1
 6  management-cluster  kubernetes  v0.30.1
 7  package             kubernetes  v0.30.1
 8  pinniped-auth       global      v0.30.1
 9  secret              kubernetes  v0.30.1
10  telemetry           kubernetes  v0.30.1
11andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~/.config$ tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tkg/default:v2.3.0 # to install them
12[i] The tanzu cli essential plugins have not been installed and are being installed now. The install may take a few seconds.
14[i] Installing plugin 'isolated-cluster:v0.30.1' with target 'global'
15[i] Installing plugin 'management-cluster:v0.30.1' with target 'kubernetes'
16[i] Installing plugin 'package:v0.30.1' with target 'kubernetes'
17[i] Installing plugin 'pinniped-auth:v0.30.1' with target 'global'
18[i] Installing plugin 'secret:v0.30.1' with target 'kubernetes'
19[i] Installing plugin 'telemetry:v0.30.1' with target 'kubernetes'
20[ok] successfully installed all plugins from group 'vmware-tkg/default:v2.3.0'

Then I need the Kubernetes CLI, "kubectl cli v1.26.5 for Linux" for TKG 2.3 which can be found here. After I have downloaded it, I copy it over to the Linux jumphost, extract it and place the binary kubectl in the folder /usr/local/bin so its in my path.

To verify the CLI tools and plugins are in place, I will run these commands:

1# Verify Tanzu CLI version:
2andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~/.config$ tanzu version
3version: v1.0.0
4buildDate: 2023-08-08
5sha: 006d0429
 1# Verify Tanzu CLI plugins:
 2andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~/.config$ tanzu plugin list
 3Standalone Plugins
 4  NAME                DESCRIPTION                                                        TARGET      VERSION  STATUS
 5  isolated-cluster    Prepopulating images/bundle for internet-restricted environments   global      v0.30.1  installed
 6  pinniped-auth       Pinniped authentication operations (usually not directly invoked)  global      v0.30.1  installed
 7  telemetry           configure cluster-wide settings for vmware tanzu telemetry         global      v1.1.0   installed
 8  management-cluster  Kubernetes management cluster operations                           kubernetes  v0.30.1  installed
 9  package             Tanzu package management                                           kubernetes  v0.30.1  installed
10  secret              Tanzu secret management                                            kubernetes  v0.30.1  installed
11  telemetry           configure cluster-wide settings for vmware tanzu telemetry         kubernetes  v0.30.1  installed
1# verify kubectl version - look for "Client Version"
2andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~/.config$ kubectl version
3WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from kubectl version --short.  Use --output=yaml|json to get the full version.
4Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"26", GitVersion:"v1.26.5+vmware.2", GitCommit:"83112f368344a8ff6d13b89f120d5e646cd3bf19", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2023-06-26T06:47:19Z", GoVersion:"go1.19.9", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
5Kustomize Version: v4.5.7

Next up is some preparations that needs to be done in vCenter.

vSphere preparations

As vSphere is the platform where I deploy TKG there are a couple of things that needs to be done to prepare for the deployment of TKG in general but also how the different availability zones will be configured. Apart from the necessary functions such as networking and storage to support a TKG deployment.

vCenter TKG Kubernetes OVA template

A small but important part is the OVA template to be used for the controlplane/worker nodes. I need to upload the right Kubernetes OVA template, it needs to be version 1.26.5, where I am using the latest Ubuntu 2004 Kubernetes v1.26.5 OVA. This I have downloaded from [here](the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid downloads page), uploaded it to my vCenter server, then converted it to a template, not changing anything on it, name etc.

vSphere/vCenter availability zones

With TKG 2.3 running on vSphere there is two ways to define the availability zones. There is the option to use vSphere clusters as availability zones or vSphere DRS host-groups. This gives flexibility and the possibility to define the availability zones according to how the underlaying vSphere environment has been configured. We can potentially have many availability zones for TKG to consume, some using host-groups, some using vSphere clusters and even different vCenter servers. It all depends on the needs and where it makes sense. Regardless of using vSphere clusters or DRS host-groups we need to define define a region and a zone for TKG to use. In vCenter we need to create tag associated with a category. The category can be whatever you want to call it, they just need to be reflected correctly when defining the vSphereFailureDomain later on. You may end up with several vSphere tag-categories as this depend on the environment and how you want to use the availability zones. These tag and categories are defined a bit different between vSphere clusters and DRS host-groups. When using vSphere clusters the region is defined on the Datacenter object and the zone is the actual vsphere cluster. When using DRS host-groups the vSphere cluster is defined as the the regions and the host-group as the zone.

vSphere DRS Host-Groups

The option to use host-groups (DRS objects) is to create "logical" zones based on host-groups/vm-groups affinity rules to place the TKG nodes in their respective host-groups inside same vSphere Cluster. This done by creating the host-groups, place the corresponding esxi hosts in the respective host-group and use vCenter Tags & Custom Attributes specifying tags on these objects respectively. This can be a good use case if the vSphere hosts are in the same vSphere cluster but spread across several racks. That means I can create a host-group pr rack, and define these host-groups as my availability zones for TKG to place the nodes accordingly. Lets pretend I have 12 ESXi hosts, equally divided and placed in their own rack. I can then create 3 host-groups called rack-1, rack-2 and rack-3.

vSphere Clusters

Using the vSphere clusters option we define the vCenter Datacenter object as the region and the vSphere clusters as the zones. We define that easily by using the vCenter Tags & Custom Attributes specifying tags on these objects respectively. We tag the specific vSphere Datacenter to become a region and we tag the vSphere clusters to be a specific zone. In mye lab I have vSphere hosts in three different vSphere clusters. With that I have defined my vCenter Server's only Datacenter object to be a region, and all my three vSphere clusters as three different zones within that one region. In short that means if I have only one Datacenter object in my vCenter that is a region. In this Datecenter object I have my three vSphere host clusters which will be three different zones for TKG to be aware of for potential placement of the TKG nodes.

For more information on multiple availability zones head over to the offical docs here.

Next up is how configured the AZs in vCenter using vSphere clusters and DRS host-groups

vCenter Tags - using vSphere cluster and datacenter

As I am using vSphere Clusters as my zones and vSphere Datacenter it is very straight forward. The first thing that needs to be done is to create two categories under Tags & Custom Attributes here:

The two categories is the region and zone. These two categories are created like this.

Region category:

Then the Zone category:

The categories can also be created using a cli tool called govc like this:

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.category.create -t Datacenter k8s-region
1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.category.create -t ClusterComputeResource k8s-zone

I should now see the categories like this in my vCenter UI:

Now when I have created the categories, I need to create the tags using the newly created categories respectively.

The k8s-region category is used on the vCenter/vSphere Datacenter object. I will create a tag using the category k8s-region with some kind of meaningful name for the Datacenter object, and then attach this tag to the Datacenter object.

Create Datacenter Tag:

Then attach it to the Datacenter object:


Or using govc to attach/assign the tag:

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-region wdc-region /cPod-NSXAM-WDC
2# There is no output after execution of this command...

Next up is the tags using the k8s-zone category. I am creating three tags for this as I have three vSphere clusters I want to use a three different Availability Zones. The tags are created the same as before only using the category k8s-zone instead.

I will end up with three tags called wdc-zone-1,wdc-zone-2, and wdc-zone-3.

And here they are:

Now I need to attach them to my vSphere clusters respectively, Cluster-1 = wdc-zone-1, Cluster-2 = wdc-zone-2 and Cluster-3 = wdc-zone-3.


Again, the creation of the tags and attaching them can be done using govc:

1# Creating the tags using the correct category
2andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.create -c k8s-zone wdc-zone-1
3andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.create -c k8s-zone wdc-zone-2
4andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.create -c k8s-zone wdc-zone-3
5# Attaching the tags to the respective clusters
6andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-zone wdc-zone-1 /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-1
7andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-zone wdc-zone-2 /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-2
8andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-zone wdc-zone-3 /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3

vCenter Tags - using vSphere DRS host-groups

If using vSphere DRS host-groups this how how we can confgure vCenter using DRS host-groups as availability zones for TKG. In this section I will "simulate" that my vSphere Cluster-3 with 4 ESXi hosts is equally divided into two "racks" (2 ESXi hosts in each host-group). So I will create two host-groups, to reflect two availability zones inside Cluster-3.

First I need to create two host-groups where I add my corresponding ESXi hosts. Group-1 will contain ESXi-9 and ESXi-12 and Group-2 will contain ESXi-11 and ESXi-12. From the vCenter UI:

Click add: I am naming the host-groups rack-1 and rack-2 respectively, adding two hosts in each group.

The two host-groups:

When the host-groups have been created and defined with the esxi host membership, I need to define two DRS VM-groups. From the same place as I created the host-groups, I click add and create a VM group instead.

I need to add a "dummy" vm to be allowed to save and create the group. This is only when creating the group via the vCenter UI.

Both vm groups created:

To create these groups with cli using govc:

 1# Create Host Groups
 2andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc -cluster=Cluster-3 -name=rack-1 -host esx01 esx02
 3[31-08-23 08:49:30] Reconfigure /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3...OK
 4andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc -cluster=Cluster-3 -name=rack-2 -host esx03 esx04
 5[31-08-23 08:48:30] Reconfigure /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3...OK
 6# Create VM groups
 7andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc -cluster=Cluster-3 -name=rack-1-vm-group -vm
 8[31-08-23 08:52:00] Reconfigure /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3...OK
 9andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc -cluster=Cluster-3 -name=rack-2-vm-group -vm
10[31-08-23 08:52:04] Reconfigure /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3...OK

Now I need to create affinity rules restricting the corresponding vm-group to only reside in the correct host-group.

Group-1 rule

and group 2 rule

Now its just creating the corresponding tag categories k8s-region and k8s-zone and the respective tags pr cluster and host-groups that have been created. Lets start by creating the categories, first from the vCenter UI then later using cli with govc. Note that these DRS host-groups are not the objects being tagged as the actual zones later on, they are just the logical boundary used in vCenter for vm placement. The ESXi hosts themselves will be the ones that are tagged with the zone tag, where the ESXi hosts are part of a host-group with a VM affinity rule.

Category k8s-region:

I already have the k8s-region category from earlier, I just need to update it to also allow cluster.

Category k8s-zone:

I already have the k8s-zone category from earlier, I just need to update it to also allow Host.

Then I need to create the tag using the correct category, starting with the region tag. Create tag called room1 (in lack of own fantasy)

Then the two tags pr zone/host-group:



Now I need to attach the above tags to the correct objects in vCenter. The region tag will be used on the Cluster-3 object, the k8s-zone tags will be used on the ESXi host objects. The region room1 tag:


Then the zone tag rack1 and rack2





Now I have tagged the region and the zones, and should now have 2 availability zones for TKG to use.

To configure the categories, tags and attachment from cli using govc:

 1# Creating the categories if not already created, if already created run the tags.category.update
 2andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.category.create -t ClusterComputeResource k8s-region
 3andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.category.create -t HostSystem k8s-zone
 4# Create the region tag
 5andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.create -c k8s-region room1
 6# Create the zone tag
 7andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.create -c k8s-zone rack1
 8andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.create -c k8s-zone rack2
 9# Attach the region tag to vSphere Cluster-3
10andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-region room1 /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3
11# Attach the zone tag to the ESXi hosts
12andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-zone rack1 /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3/esxi-01.fqdn
13andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-zone rack1 /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3/esxi-02.fqdn
14andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-zone rack2 /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3/esxi-03.fqdn
15andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ govc tags.attach -c k8s-zone rack2 /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3/esxi-04.fqdn

Now that the necessary tags and categories have been created and assigned in vCenter, I can continue to prepare the necessary configs for TKG to use them.

Be aware

If the categories are already in place from previous installations, and you want to add these AZs also - Create new categories as the CSI installation will fail complaining on this error: "plugin registration failed with err: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to retrieve topology information for Node: "". Error: "failed to fetch topology information for the nodeVM "". Error: duplicate values detected for category k8s-zone as "rack1" and "wdc-zone-3"", restarting registration container."

These new categories must be updated accordingly in the multi-az.yaml file and tkg-workload cluster manifest before deployment. It can also make sense to have different categories to distinguish the different environments better.

TKG - Management Cluster

Before I can deploy a TKG management cluster I need to prepare a bootstrap yaml file and a multi-zone file so it knows about how the cluster should be configured and the availability zones. For TKG to use the tags created in vCenter we need to define these as Kubernetes FailureDomain and Deployment-Zone objects. This is done by creating a separate yaml file describing this. In this multi-zone file I need to define the region, zone and topology. The category and zone tags created in vCenter and the ones I have used in this post is only to keep it simple. We can have several categories depending on the environment you deploy it on. For more information on this head over here. Here it is also possible to define different networks and storage. A short explanation of the two CRDs in the example below: vSphereFailureDomain is where you provide the necessary information about the region/zones defined in vCenter such as the tags pr region/zone aka Datacenter/Clusters, networks and datastore. The vSphereDeploymentZone is used for placement constraints, using the vSphereFailureDomains and makes it possible mapping them using labels like I am doing below. A bit more on that later when I come to the actual deployment.

TKG multi-az config file - using vCenter DRS host-groups

Below is the yaml file I have prepared to deploy my TKG Management cluster when using vCenter DRS host-groups as availability zones. Comments inline:

 3kind: VSphereFailureDomain
 5    name: rack1 # A name for this specifc zone, does not have to be the same as the tag used in vCenter
 7    region:
 8        name: room1 # The specific tag created and assigned to the Datacenter object in vCenter
 9        type: ComputeCluster
10        tagCategory: k8s-region # The specific tag category created earlier in vCenter
11    zone:
12        name: rack1 # The specific tag created and assigned to the cluster object in vCenter
13        type: HostGroup
14        tagCategory: k8s-zone # The specific tag category created earlier in vCenter
15    topology:
16        datacenter: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC # Specifies which Datacenter in vCenter
17        computeCluster: Cluster-3 # Specifices which Cluster in vCenter
18        hosts:
19          vmGroupName: rack-1-vm-group # The vm group name created earlier in vCenter
20          hostGroupName: rack-1 # The host group name created earlier in vCenter
21        networks:
22            - /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt # Specify the network the nodes shall use in this region/cluster
23        datastore: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-3 # Specify the datastore the nodes shall use in this region/cluster
26kind: VSphereFailureDomain
28    name: rack2 # A name for this specifc zone, does not have to be the same as the tag used in vCenter
30    region:
31        name: room1 # The specific tag created and assigned to the Datacenter object in vCenter
32        type: ComputeCluster
33        tagCategory: k8s-region # The specific tag category created earlier in vCenter
34    zone:
35        name: rack2 # The specific tag created and assigned to the cluster object in vCenter
36        type: HostGroup
37        tagCategory: k8s-zone # The specific tag category created earlier in vCenter
38    topology:
39        datacenter: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC # Specifies which Datacenter in vCenter
40        computeCluster: Cluster-3 # Specifices which Cluster in vCenter
41        hosts:
42          vmGroupName: rack-2-vm-group # The vm group name created earlier in vCenter
43          hostGroupName: rack-2 # The host group name created earlier in vCenter
44        networks:
45            - /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt # Specify the network the nodes shall use in this region/cluster
46        datastore: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-3 # Specify the datastore the nodes shall use in this region/cluster
49kind: VSphereDeploymentZone
51  name: rack1 # Give the deploymentzone a name
52  labels:
53    region: room1 # For controlplane placement
54    tkg-cp: allowed # For controlplane placement 
56    server: vcsa.fqdn
57    failureDomain: rack1 # Calls on the vSphereFailureDomain defined above
58    placementConstraint:
59        resourcePool: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3/Resources
60        folder: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/vm/TKGm
63kind: VSphereDeploymentZone
65  name: rack2 # Give the deploymentzone a name
66  labels:
67    region: room1
68    tkg-cp: allowed
70    server: vcsa.fqdn
71    failureDomain: rack2 # Calls on the vSphereFailureDomain defined above
72    placementConstraint:
73        resourcePool: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3/Resources
74        folder: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/vm/TKGm

TKG multi-az config file - using vSphere cluster and datacenter

Below is the yaml file I have prepared to deploy my TKG Management cluster with when using vSphere clusters as availability zones. Comments inline:

  3kind: VSphereFailureDomain
  5    name: wdc-zone-1 # A name for this specifc zone, does not have to be the same as the tag used in vCenter
  7    region:
  8        name: wdc-region # The specific tag created and assigned to the Datacenter object in vCenter
  9        type: Datacenter
 10        tagCategory: k8s-region # The specific tag category created earlier in vCenter
 11    zone:
 12        name: wdc-zone-1 # The specific tag created and assigned to the cluster object in vCenter
 13        type: ComputeCluster
 14        tagCategory: k8s-zone # The specific tag category created earlier in vCenter
 15    topology:
 16        datacenter: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC # Specifies which Datacenter in vCenter
 17        computeCluster: Cluster-1 # Specifices which Cluster in vCenter
 18        networks:
 19            - /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt # Specify the network the nodes shall use in this region/cluster
 20        datastore: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-01 # Specify the datastore the nodes shall use in this region/cluster
 23kind: VSphereFailureDomain
 25    name: wdc-zone-2
 27    region:
 28        name: wdc-region
 29        type: Datacenter
 30        tagCategory: k8s-region
 31    zone:
 32        name: wdc-zone-2
 33        type: ComputeCluster
 34        tagCategory: k8s-zone
 35    topology:
 36        datacenter: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC
 37        computeCluster: Cluster-2
 38        networks:
 39            - /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt
 40        datastore: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-02
 43kind: VSphereFailureDomain
 45    name: wdc-zone-3
 47    region:
 48        name: wdc-region
 49        type: Datacenter
 50        tagCategory: k8s-region
 51    zone:
 52        name: wdc-zone-3
 53        type: ComputeCluster
 54        tagCategory: k8s-zone
 55    topology:
 56        datacenter: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC
 57        computeCluster: Cluster-3
 58        networks:
 59            - /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt
 60        datastore: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-3
 63kind: VSphereDeploymentZone
 65    name: wdc-zone-1 # A name for the DeploymentZone. Does not have to be the same as above
 66    labels:
 67        region: wdc-region # A specific label to be used for placement restriction, allowing flexibility of node placement.
 68        tkg-cp: allowed # A specific label to be used for placement restriction, allowing flexibility of node placement.
 70    server: vcsa.fqdn # Specifies the vCenter IP or FQDN
 71    failureDomain: wdc-zone-1 # Calls on the respective vSphereFailureDomain defined above
 72    placementConstraint:
 73        resourcePool: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-1/Resources # Specify which ResourcePool or Cluster directly
 74        folder: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/vm/TKGm # Specify which folder in vCenter to use for node placement
 77kind: VSphereDeploymentZone
 79    name: wdc-zone-2
 80    labels:
 81        region: wdc-region
 82        tkg-cp: allowed
 83        worker: allowed
 85    server: vcsa.fqdn
 86    failureDomain: wdc-zone-2
 87    placementConstraint:
 88        resourcePool: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-2/Resources
 89        folder: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/vm/TKGm
 92kind: VSphereDeploymentZone
 94    name: wdc-zone-3
 95    labels:
 96        region: wdc-region
 97        tkg-cp: allowed
 98        worker: allowed
100    server: vcsa.fqdn
101    failureDomain: wdc-zone-3
102    placementConstraint:
103        resourcePool: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-3/Resources
104        folder: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/vm/TKGm

The multi-az yaml file above is now ready to be used deploying my TKG mgmt cluster in a multi-az environment using vSphere Clusters as the Availability Zones. I have added a label in my multi-az configuration under the vSphereDeploymentZones: tkg-cp: allowed. This custom label is used for the placement of the TKG controlplane nodes. I only want the worker nodes to be placed on AZ-2 and AZ-3 (wdc-zone-2 and wdc-zone-3) where AZ-1 or wdc-zone-1 is only for Control Plane node placement. This is one usecase for the vSphereDeploymentZone, placement constraints. Using these labels to specify the control-plane placement. The worker nodes placement for both TKG management cluster and workload cluster is defined in the bootstrap yaml or the cluster-class manifest for workload cluster.

TKG bootstrap yaml - common for both vSphere cluster and DRS host-groups

In additon to the regular settings that is needed in the bootstrap yaml file I need to add these lines to take into consideration the Availability zones.

 1#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 2#! Multi-AZ configuration
 3#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 5VSPHERE_REGION: k8s-region
 6VSPHERE_ZONE: k8s-zone
 7VSPHERE_AZ_0: wdc-zone-2 # Here I am defining the zone placement for the workers that ends with md-0
 8VSPHERE_AZ_1: wdc-zone-3 # Here I am defining the zone placement for the workers that ends with md-1
 9VSPHERE_AZ_2: wdc-zone-3 # Here I am defining the zone placement for the workers that ends with md-2
10VSPHERE_AZ_CONTROL_PLANE_MATCHING_LABELS: "region=wdc-region,tkg-cp=allowed" #This defines and uses the vSphereDeploymentsZone labels I have added to instruct the control-plane node placement

Note! The Zone names under vSphere_AZ_0-2 needs to reflect the correct zone tag/label used in your corresponding multi-az.yaml file pr vSphereDeploymentZone. The same goes for the VSPHERE_AZ_CONTROL_PLANE_MATCHING_LABELS: the values needs to reflect the labels used/added.

Now my full bootstrap.yaml below:

  1#! ---------------
  2#! Basic config
  3#! -------------
  4CLUSTER_NAME: tkg-wdc-az-mgmt
 11TKG_IP_FAMILY: ipv4
 14#! ---------------
 15#! vSphere config
 16#! -------------
 18VSPHERE_DATASTORE: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-01
 21VSPHERE_NETWORK: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt
 23VSPHERE_PASSWORD: "password"
 24VSPHERE_RESOURCE_POOL: /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/host/Cluster-1/Resources
 25VSPHERE_SERVER: vcsa.fqdn
 30#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 31#! Multi-AZ configuration
 32#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 34VSPHERE_REGION: k8s-region
 35VSPHERE_ZONE: k8s-zone
 36VSPHERE_AZ_0: wdc-zone-2
 37VSPHERE_AZ_1: wdc-zone-3
 38VSPHERE_AZ_2: wdc-zone-3
 39VSPHERE_AZ_CONTROL_PLANE_MATCHING_LABELS: "region=wdc-region,tkg-cp=allowed"
 40AZ_FILE_PATH: /home/andreasm/tanzu-v-2.3/multi-az/multi-az.yaml
 42#! ---------------
 43#! Node config
 44#! -------------
 45OS_ARCH: amd64
 46OS_NAME: ubuntu
 47OS_VERSION: "20.04"
 57#! ---------------
 58#! Avi config
 59#! -------------
 61AVI_CLOUD_NAME: wdc-1-nsx
 64# Network used to place workload clusters' endpoint VIPs
 65AVI_CONTROL_PLANE_NETWORK: vip-tkg-wld-l4
 67# Network used to place workload clusters' services external IPs (load balancer & ingress services)
 68AVI_DATA_NETWORK: vip-tkg-wld-l7
 70# Network used to place management clusters' services external IPs (load balancer & ingress services)
 73# Network used to place management clusters' endpoint VIPs
 76AVI_NSXT_T1LR: Tier-1
 78AVI_ENABLE: "true"
 80AVI_PASSWORD: "password"
 81AVI_SERVICE_ENGINE_GROUP: nsx-se-generic-group
 83AVI_USERNAME: admin
 90#! ---------------
 91#! Proxy config
 92#! -------------
 95#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 96#! Antrea CNI configuration
 97#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
105ANTREA_IPAM: false
111#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
112#! Machine Health Check configuration
113#! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
114ENABLE_MHC: "true"

One last thing to do before heading over to the actual deployment is to add the following to my current Linux jumphost session:

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ export SKIP_MULTI_AZ_VERIFY="true"

This is needed as there is no mgmt cluster yet, and there is no way for anything that's not there to verify anything 😺

TKG Deployment

Now that I have done all the needed preparations it is time to do the actual deployment and see if my Availability Zones are being used as I wanted. When the TKG management cluster has been deployed I should end up with all the Control Plane (3) nodes distributed across all my 3 AZs. Then the worker nodes should only be placed in the AZ-2 and AZ-3.

TKG Mgmt Cluster deployment with multi-availability-zones

From my Linux jumphost where I have all the CLI tools in place I am now ready to execute the following command to deploy the mgmt cluster. 3 Control Plane Nodes and 3 Worker Nodes.

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu mc create -f my-tkg-mgmt-bootstrap.yaml --az-file my-multi-az-file.yaml
 1Validating the pre-requisites...
 3vSphere 8 with Tanzu Detected.
 5You have connected to a vSphere 8 with Tanzu environment that includes an integrated Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service which
 6turns a vSphere cluster into a platform for running Kubernetes workloads in dedicated resource pools. Configuring Tanzu
 7Kubernetes Grid Service is done through the vSphere HTML5 Client.
 9Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service is the preferred way to consume Tanzu Kubernetes Grid in vSphere 8 environments. Alternatively you may
10deploy a non-integrated Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instance on vSphere 8.
11Deploying TKG management cluster on vSphere 8 ...
12Identity Provider not configured. Some authentication features won't work.
13Using default value for CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_COUNT = 3. Reason: CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_COUNT variable is not set
14Using default value for WORKER_MACHINE_COUNT = 3. Reason: WORKER_MACHINE_COUNT variable is not set
16Setting up management cluster...
17Validating configuration...
18Using infrastructure provider vsphere:v1.7.0
19Generating cluster configuration...
20Setting up bootstrapper...

Sit back and enjoy while the kind cluster is being deployed locally and hopefully provisioned in your vCenter server..

When you see the below: Start creating management cluster something should start to happen in the vCenter server.

1Management cluster config file has been generated and stored at: '/home/andreasm/.config/tanzu/tkg/clusterconfigs/tkg-wdc-az-mgmt.yaml'
2Start creating management cluster...


And by just clicking on the respective TKG VM so far I can see that they are respecting my zone placement.




That is very well. Now just wait for the two last control plane nodes also.

 1You can now access the management cluster tkg-wdc-az-mgmt by running 'kubectl config use-context tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-admin@tkg-wdc-az-mgmt'
 3Management cluster created!
 6You can now create your first workload cluster by running the following:
 8  tanzu cluster create [name] -f [file]
11Some addons might be getting installed! Check their status by running the following:
13  kubectl get apps -A

Exciting, lets have a look at the control plane nodes placement:




They have been distributed across my three cluster as wanted. Perfect.

Now next step is to deploy a workload cluster to achieve the same placement constraints there.

Adding or adjusting the vSphereFailureDomains and vSphereDeploymentZone

In my TKG management cluster deployment above I have used the vSphereFailureDomains and vSphereDeploymentZones for vSphere clusters as my availability zones. If I want to have workload clusters deployed in other availability zones, different zones or even new zones I can add these to the management cluster. In the example below I will add the availability zones configured to use vCenter DRS host-groups using the vsphere-zones yaml config here.

To check which zones are available for the management cluster:

 1# vSphereFailureDomains
 2andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ k get -A
 3NAME         AGE
 4wdc-zone-1   24h
 5wdc-zone-2   24h
 6wdc-zone-3   24h
 7# vSphereDeploymentZones
 8andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ k get -A
 9NAME         AGE
10wdc-zone-1   24h
11wdc-zone-2   24h
12wdc-zone-3   24h
13# I have defined both FailureDomains and DeploymentsZone with the same name

Now, let me add the DRS host-groups zones.

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ kubectl apply -f multi-az-host-groups.yaml #The file containing host-groups definition created created created created
6# Or
7andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu mc az set -f multi-az-host-groups.yaml
8# This command actually validate the settings if the export SKIP_MULTI_AZ_VERIFY="true" is not set ofcourse

Now check the failuredomains and placementzones:

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ k get -A
2NAME         AGE
3rack1        13s
4rack2        13s
5wdc-zone-1   24h
6wdc-zone-2   24h
7wdc-zone-3   24h
1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ k get -A
2NAME         AGE
3rack1        2m44s
4rack2        2m44s
5wdc-zone-1   24h
6wdc-zone-2   24h
7wdc-zone-3   24h
1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu mc available-zone list -a
2  AZNAME      ZONENAME    ZONETYPE        REGIONNAME  REGIONTYPE      DATASTORE                                       NETWORK                              OWNERCLUSTER   STATUS
3  rack1       rack1       HostGroup       room1       ComputeCluster  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-01  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt                 not ready
4  rack2       rack2       HostGroup       room1       ComputeCluster  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-01  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt                 not ready
5  wdc-zone-1  wdc-zone-1  ComputeCluster  wdc-region  Datacenter      /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-01  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt                 ready
6  wdc-zone-2  wdc-zone-2  ComputeCluster  wdc-region  Datacenter      /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-02  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt  tkg-cluster-1  ready
7  wdc-zone-3  wdc-zone-3  ComputeCluster  wdc-region  Datacenter      /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-3   /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt  tkg-cluster-1  ready

I had the variable export SKIP_MULTI_AZ_VERIFY="true" set so it did not validate my settings and just applied it. Therefore I have the two new zones/AZs in a not ready state. Deleting them, updated the config so it was correct. Sat the export SKIP_MULTI_AZ_VERIFY="false". Reapplied using the mc set command it came out ready:

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu mc az set -f multi-az-host-groups.yaml
2andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu mc available-zone list -a
3  AZNAME      ZONENAME    ZONETYPE        REGIONNAME  REGIONTYPE      DATASTORE                                       NETWORK                              OWNERCLUSTER   STATUS
4  rack1       rack1       HostGroup       room1       ComputeCluster  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-3   /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt                 ready
5  rack2       rack2       HostGroup       room1       ComputeCluster  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-3   /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt                 ready
6  wdc-zone-1  wdc-zone-1  ComputeCluster  wdc-region  Datacenter      /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-01  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt                 ready
7  wdc-zone-2  wdc-zone-2  ComputeCluster  wdc-region  Datacenter      /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-02  /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt  tkg-cluster-1  ready
8  wdc-zone-3  wdc-zone-3  ComputeCluster  wdc-region  Datacenter      /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/datastore/vsanDatastore-wdc-3   /cPod-NSXAM-WDC/network/ls-tkg-mgmt  tkg-cluster-1  ready

TKG Workload Cluster deployment with multi-availability-zones - using vSphere clusters as AZs

At this stage I will use the values already provided earlier, like the multi-az config, network, vCenter folder placements and so on. If I like I could have added a specific multi-az file for the workload cluster, changed the network settings, folder etc. But I am just using the config already in place from the management cluster for now.

We have already done the hard work. So the workload cluster deployment is now more or less walk in the park. To generate the necessary workload-cluster yaml definition I execute the following command (this will accommodate the necessary AZs setting, so if you already have a class-based cluster yaml file from previous TKG clusters make sure to add this or just run the command below):

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu cluster create tkg-cluster-1 --namespace tkg-ns-1 --file --dry-run > workload-cluster/tkg-cluster-1.yaml
2# tanzu cluster create tkg-cluster-1 gives the cluster the name tkg-cluster-1
3# --namespace is the namespace I have created in my management cluster to place this workload cluster in
4# --file points to the bootstrap.yaml file used to deploy the management cluster
5# --dry-run > generates my workload-cluster.yaml file called tkg-cluster-1.yaml under the folder workload-cluster

This process convert the flat bootstrap.yaml file to a cluster-class config-file.

The most interesting part in this file is whether the placement constraints have been considered. Lets have a look:

 1    - name: controlPlane
 2      value:
 3        machine:
 4          diskGiB: 20
 5          memoryMiB: 4096
 6          numCPUs: 2
 7    - name: worker
 8      value:
 9        machine:
10          diskGiB: 20
11          memoryMiB: 4096
12          numCPUs: 2
13    - name: controlPlaneZoneMatchingLabels # check
14      value:
15        region: k8s-region # check - will place my control planes only in the zones with the correct label
16        tkg-cp: allowed # check - will place my control planes only in the zones with the correct label
17    - name: security
18      value:
19        fileIntegrityMonitoring:
20          enabled: false
21        imagePolicy:
22          pullAlways: false
23          webhook:
24            enabled: false
25            spec:
26              allowTTL: 50
27              defaultAllow: true
28              denyTTL: 60
29              retryBackoff: 500
30        kubeletOptions:
31          eventQPS: 50
32          streamConnectionIdleTimeout: 4h0m0s
33        systemCryptoPolicy: default
34    version: v1.26.5+vmware.2-tkg.1
35    workers:
36      machineDeployments:
37      - class: tkg-worker
38        failureDomain: wdc-zone-2 # check - worker in zone-2
39        metadata:
40          annotations:
41   image-type=ova,os-name=ubuntu
42        name: md-0
43        replicas: 1
44        strategy:
45          type: RollingUpdate
46      - class: tkg-worker
47        failureDomain: wdc-zone-3 # check - worker in zone-3
48        metadata:
49          annotations:
50   image-type=ova,os-name=ubuntu
51        name: md-1
52        replicas: 1
53        strategy:
54          type: RollingUpdate
55      - class: tkg-worker
56        failureDomain: wdc-zone-3 # check - worker in zone-3
57        metadata:
58          annotations:
59   image-type=ova,os-name=ubuntu
60        name: md-2
61        replicas: 1
62        strategy:
63          type: RollingUpdate

The file looks good. Lets deploy it.

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu cluster create --file tkg-cluster-1.yaml
2Validating configuration...
3cluster class based input file detected, getting tkr version from input yaml
4input TKR Version: v1.26.5+vmware.2-tkg.1
5TKR Version v1.26.5+vmware.2-tkg.1, Kubernetes Version v1.26.5+vmware.2-tkg.1 configured
6Warning: Pinniped configuration not found; Authentication via Pinniped will not be set up in this cluster. If you wish to set up Pinniped after the cluster is created, please refer to the documentation.
7Skip checking VIP overlap when the VIP is empty. Cluster's endpoint VIP will be allocated by NSX ALB IPAM.
8creating workload cluster 'tkg-cluster-1'...

After a couple of minutes or cups of coffee (depends on your environment):

1Workload cluster 'tkg-cluster-1' created

Now lets go the same with the nodes here also, where are they placed in my vSphere environment.

Control plane nodes placement:




Worker nodes placemement:




Nice, just according to plan.

TKG Workload Cluster deployment with multi-availability-zones - using vCenter host-groups as AZs

In the first workload cluster deployment above I deployed the cluster to use my availability zones configured to use vSphere clusters as AZs. Now I will deploy a second workload cluster using the zones here added after the TKG management cluster was deployed. I will just reuse the workload-cluster.yaml from the first cluster, edit the names, namespaces and zones/regions accordingly.

Lets deploy it:

 1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ tanzu cluster create --file tkg-cluster-2-host-groups.yaml
 2Validating configuration...
 3cluster class based input file detected, getting tkr version from input yaml
 4input TKR Version: v1.26.5+vmware.2-tkg.1
 5TKR Version v1.26.5+vmware.2-tkg.1, Kubernetes Version v1.26.5+vmware.2-tkg.1 configured
 6Warning: Pinniped configuration not found; Authentication via Pinniped will not be set up in this cluster. If you wish to set up Pinniped after the cluster is created, please refer to the documentation.
 7Skip checking VIP overlap when the VIP is empty. Clusters endpoint VIP will be allocated by NSX ALB IPAM.
 8creating workload cluster 'tkg-cluster-2-hostgroup'...
 9waiting for cluster to be initialized...
10cluster control plane is still being initialized: ScalingUp
11waiting for cluster nodes to be available...
12unable to get the autoscaler deployment, maybe it is not exist
13waiting for addons core packages installation...
15Workload cluster 'tkg-cluster-2-hostgroup' created

This cluster should now only be deployed to Cluster 3, using the DRS host-group based Availability Zones.

And here the cluster has been deployed in Cluster-3, using the AZs rack1 and rack2 (nodes tkg-cluster-2-hostgroup-xxxx)

Next up is to deploy a test application in the workload cluster utilizing the availability zones.

Deploy applications on workload cluster in a multi-az environment

In my scenario so far I have placed all the control plane nodes evenly distributed across all the vSphere Clusters/AZs. The worker nodes on the other hand is placed only on AZ-2 and AZ-3. Now I want to deploy an application in my workload cluster where I do a placement decision on where the different pods will be placed, according to the available zones the workload cluster is in.

Application/pod placement using nodeAffinity

When a TKG workload cluster or TKG management cluster has been deployed with availability zones, the nodes will get updated label information that is referencing the availability zone the worker and control-plane nodes have been deployed in. This information can be used if one want to deploy the application in a specific zone. So in this chapter I will do exactly that. Deploy an application consisting of 4 pods, define the placement of the pods using the zone information available on the nodes.

To find the labels for the different placements I need to have a look at the nodes. There should be some labels indicating where they reside. I will clean up the output as I am only looking for something that starts with topology and define the zones, and the worker nodes only. So the output below gives me this:

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ k get nodes --show-labels
2NAME                                              STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION            LABELS
3tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   Ready    <none>          82m   v1.26.5+vmware.2
4tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   Ready    <none>          82m   v1.26.5+vmware.2
5tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   Ready    <none>          82m   v1.26.5+vmware.2

One can also see the failuredomain placement using the following commands:

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ kubectl get machinedeployment -n tkg-ns-1,FAILUREDOMAIN:.spec.template.spec.failureDomain
2NAME                       FAILUREDOMAIN
3tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl   wdc-zone-2
4tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk   wdc-zone-3
5tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z   wdc-zone-3
1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ kubectl get machine -n tkg-ns-1,FAILUREDOMAIN:.spec.failureDomain
2NAME                                              FAILUREDOMAIN
3tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   wdc-zone-2
4tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   wdc-zone-3
5tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   wdc-zone-3
6tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-4v2tm                         wdc-zone-2
7tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-d72g5                         wdc-zone-1
8tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-j6899                         wdc-zone-3

Now I need to update my application deployment adding a section where I can define the placement information, this is done by using affinity.

1      affinity:
2        nodeAffinity:
3          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
4            nodeSelectorTerms:
5            - matchExpressions:
6              - key:
7                operator: In
8                values:
9                - wdc-zone-X

My example application has been updated with the relevant information below. With this deployment I am allowing deployment in the wdc-zone-2 and wdc-zone-3 for the yelb-ui deployment, the 3 other deployments are only allowed to be placed in wdc-zone-3.

  1apiVersion: v1
  2kind: Service
  4  name: redis-server
  5  labels:
  6    app: redis-server
  7    tier: cache
  8  namespace: yelb
 10  type: ClusterIP
 11  ports:
 12  - port: 6379
 13  selector:
 14    app: redis-server
 15    tier: cache
 17apiVersion: v1
 18kind: Service
 20  name: yelb-db
 21  labels:
 22    app: yelb-db
 23    tier: backenddb
 24  namespace: yelb
 26  type: ClusterIP
 27  ports:
 28  - port: 5432
 29  selector:
 30    app: yelb-db
 31    tier: backenddb
 33apiVersion: v1
 34kind: Service
 36  name: yelb-appserver
 37  labels:
 38    app: yelb-appserver
 39    tier: middletier
 40  namespace: yelb
 42  type: ClusterIP
 43  ports:
 44  - port: 4567
 45  selector:
 46    app: yelb-appserver
 47    tier: middletier
 49apiVersion: v1
 50kind: Service
 52  name: yelb-ui
 53  labels:
 54    app: yelb-ui
 55    tier: frontend
 56  namespace: yelb
 58  loadBalancerClass:
 59  type: LoadBalancer
 60  ports:
 61  - port: 80
 62    protocol: TCP
 63    targetPort: 80
 64  selector:
 65    app: yelb-ui
 66    tier: frontend
 68apiVersion: apps/v1
 69kind: Deployment
 71  name: yelb-ui
 72  namespace: yelb
 74  selector:
 75    matchLabels:
 76      app: yelb-ui
 77  replicas: 1
 78  template:
 79    metadata:
 80      labels:
 81        app: yelb-ui
 82        tier: frontend
 83    spec:
 84      affinity:
 85        nodeAffinity:
 86          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
 87            nodeSelectorTerms:
 88            - matchExpressions:
 89              - key:
 90                operator: In
 91                values:
 92                - wdc-zone-2
 93                - wdc-zone-3
 94      containers:
 95      - name: yelb-ui
 96        image:
 97        imagePullPolicy: Always
 98        ports:
 99        - containerPort: 80
101apiVersion: apps/v1
102kind: Deployment
104  name: redis-server
105  namespace: yelb
107  selector:
108    matchLabels:
109      app: redis-server
110  replicas: 1
111  template:
112    metadata:
113      labels:
114        app: redis-server
115        tier: cache
116    spec:
117      affinity:
118        nodeAffinity:
119          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
120            nodeSelectorTerms:
121            - matchExpressions:
122              - key:
123                operator: In
124                values:
125                - wdc-zone-3
126      containers:
127      - name: redis-server
128        image:
129        ports:
130        - containerPort: 6379
132apiVersion: apps/v1
133kind: Deployment
135  name: yelb-db
136  namespace: yelb
138  selector:
139    matchLabels:
140      app: yelb-db
141  replicas: 1
142  template:
143    metadata:
144      labels:
145        app: yelb-db
146        tier: backenddb
147    spec:
148      affinity:
149        nodeAffinity:
150          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
151            nodeSelectorTerms:
152            - matchExpressions:
153              - key:
154                operator: In
155                values:
156                - wdc-zone-3
157      containers:
158      - name: yelb-db
159        image:
160        ports:
161        - containerPort: 5432
163apiVersion: apps/v1
164kind: Deployment
166  name: yelb-appserver
167  namespace: yelb
169  selector:
170    matchLabels:
171      app: yelb-appserver
172  replicas: 1
173  template:
174    metadata:
175      labels:
176        app: yelb-appserver
177        tier: middletier
178    spec:
179      affinity:
180        nodeAffinity:
181          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
182            nodeSelectorTerms:
183            - matchExpressions:
184              - key:
185                operator: In
186                values:
187                - wdc-zone-3
188      containers:
189      - name: yelb-appserver
190        image:
191        ports:
192        - containerPort: 4567

Now to apply it and check the outcome.

1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ k get pods -n yelb -o wide
2NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP            NODE                                              NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
3redis-server-5997cbfdf7-f7wgh   1/1     Running   0          10m   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
4yelb-appserver-6d65cc8-xt82g    1/1     Running   0          10m   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
5yelb-db-7d4c56597f-58zd4        1/1     Running   0          10m    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>
6yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-ngjnm        1/1     Running   0          10m    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>

If I compare this to the nodes below:

1NAME                                              FAILUREDOMAIN
2tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   wdc-zone-2
3tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   wdc-zone-3
4tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   wdc-zone-3

So far eveything looks good. All pods have been deployed in wdc-zone-3. The ui-pod is also allowed to be placed in wdc-zone-2. What happens if I scale it up with a couple of pods.

 1andreasm@tkg-bootstrap:~$ k scale deployment -n yelb --replicas 5 yelb-ui
 2deployment.apps/yelb-ui scaled
 3NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP            NODE                                              NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
 4redis-server-5997cbfdf7-f7wgh   1/1     Running   0          22m   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
 5yelb-appserver-6d65cc8-xt82g    1/1     Running   0          22m   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
 6yelb-db-7d4c56597f-58zd4        1/1     Running   0          22m    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>
 7yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-59zqs        1/1     Running   0          5m2s    tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   <none>           <none>
 8yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-8w48g        1/1     Running   0          5m2s    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>
 9yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-mprxx        1/1     Running   0          5m2s    tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   <none>           <none>
10yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-n9slz        1/1     Running   0          5m2s   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
11yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-ngjnm        1/1     Running   0          22m    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>

Two of the ui-pods has been placed in wdc-zone-2

Now that I have full control of the app placement, lets test some failure scenarios.

Failure simulations

In this chapter I will quickly simulate an outage of Zone-2 or vSphere Cluster-2 where the 1 of the TKG mgmt control plane is residing, 1 of the workload Cluster-1 is residing plus 1 worker node for both the management cluster and tkg-cluster-1:

1# TKG management cluster placement in my vSphere environment
2Nodes in the cluster with the '' label:
4Node: tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-hgt2v-hb7vj | ESXi Host: esx04.cpod-nsxam-wdc #controlplane node on Zone-1
5Node: tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-hgt2v-w6r64 | ESXi Host: esx03.cpod-nsxam-wdc-03 #controlplane node on Zone-3
6Node: tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-hgt2v-zl5k9 | ESXi Host: esx04.cpod-nsxam-wdc-02 #controlplane node on Zone-2
7Node: tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-md-0-xn6cg-79f97555c7x45h4b-6ghbg | ESXi Host: esx04.cpod-nsxam-wdc-02 #worker node on Zone 2
8Node: tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-md-1-zmr4d-56ff586997xxndn8-hzs7f | ESXi Host: esx01.cpod-nsxam-wdc-03 #worker node on Zone-3
9Node: tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-md-2-67dm4-64f79b7dd7x6f56s-76qhv | ESXi Host: esx02.cpod-nsxam-wdc-03 #worker node on Zone-3
1# TKG workload cluster (tkg-cluster-1) placement in my vSphere environment
2Nodes in the cluster with the '' label:
4Node: tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj | ESXi Host: esx03.cpod-nsxam-wdc-02 #worker node on Zone-2
5Node: tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df | ESXi Host: esx02.cpod-nsxam-wdc-03 #worker node on Zone-3
6Node: tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h | ESXi Host: esx03.cpod-nsxam-wdc-03 #worker node on Zone-3
7Node: tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-4v2tm | ESXi Host: esx03.cpod-nsxam-wdc-02 #controlplane node on Zone-2
8Node: tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-d72g5 | ESXi Host: #controlplane node on Zone-1
9Node: tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-j6899 | ESXi Host: #controlplane node on Zone-3

The Yelb application pods placement:

1NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP            NODE                                              NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
2redis-server-5997cbfdf7-f7wgh   1/1     Running   0          2d22h   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
3yelb-appserver-6d65cc8-xt82g    1/1     Running   0          2d22h   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
4yelb-db-7d4c56597f-58zd4        1/1     Running   0          2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>
5yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-59zqs        1/1     Running   0          2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   <none>           <none>
6yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-8w48g        1/1     Running   0          2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>
7yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-mprxx        1/1     Running   0          2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   <none>           <none>
8yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-n9slz        1/1     Running   0          2d22h   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
9yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-ngjnm        1/1     Running   0          2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>

What I want to achieve is an available TKG mgmt cluster control plane, TKG workload tkg-cluster-1 control plane, and the Yelb application still up and running. The simple test I will do is to just go into vCenter power off all the nodes for these TKG cluster in Zone-2/vSphere Cluster-2. I could also shutdown the whole ESXi hosts but I have other services running there depending on this cluster also.

One last observation to see status of the two control planes, or K8s API endpoints is from my NSX-ALB dashboard for both TKG mgmt cluster and TKG-cluster-1.

The TKG mgmt cluster controlplanes/k8s-api endpoint:



Before shutting down I have full access to both the mgmt and tkg-cluster-1 k8s api, and the yelb-app ui is accessible.

Now, powering off the nodes:


Some observations after power off:


missing cp nodes

Yelb app is still available:

Is the k8s api available?

1NAME                                                STATUS     ROLES           AGE     VERSION
2tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-hgt2v-hb7vj                         Ready      control-plane   4d23h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
3tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-hgt2v-w6r64                         Ready      control-plane   4d23h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
4tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-hgt2v-zl5k9                         NotReady   control-plane   4d23h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
5tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-md-0-xn6cg-79f97555c7x45h4b-6ghbg   NotReady   <none>          4d23h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
6tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-md-1-zmr4d-56ff586997xxndn8-hzs7f   Ready      <none>          4d23h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
7tkg-wdc-az-mgmt-md-2-67dm4-64f79b7dd7x6f56s-76qhv   Ready      <none>          4d23h   v1.26.5+vmware.2

The management cluster is, though complaining on the two nodes above as not ready. (They are powered off). The workload cluster k8s api available?

1NAME                                              STATUS     ROLES           AGE     VERSION
2tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   Ready      <none>          4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
3tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   Ready      <none>          4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
4tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   Ready      <none>          4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
5tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-4v2tm                         NotReady   control-plane   4d21h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
6tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-d72g5                         Ready      control-plane   4d21h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
7tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-j6899                         Ready      control-plane   4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2

It is. though a control plane node is down.

The Yelb pods:

1NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE     IP            NODE                                              NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
2redis-server-5997cbfdf7-f7wgh   1/1     Running   0               2d22h   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
3yelb-appserver-6d65cc8-xt82g    1/1     Running   0               2d22h   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
4yelb-db-7d4c56597f-58zd4        1/1     Running   0               2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>
5yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-59zqs        1/1     Running   1 (6m24s ago)   2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   <none>           <none>
6yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-8w48g        1/1     Running   0               2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>
7yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-mprxx        1/1     Running   1 (6m23s ago)   2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   <none>           <none>
8yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-n9slz        1/1     Running   0               2d22h   tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   <none>           <none>
9yelb-ui-6c6fdfc66f-ngjnm        1/1     Running   0               2d22h    tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   <none>           <none>

So it seems everything is still reacheable still after loosing Zone-2. When I did power off the nodes the first time it took around a minute before they were powered back on. I powered them down again and now it seems they are not being powered on again. Will wait a bit and see, otherwise I will try to power them on manually. After a longer while the tkg-cluster-1 nodes have now this status:

1NAME                                              STATUS                        ROLES           AGE     VERSION
2tkg-cluster-1-md-0-b4pfl-6d66f94fcdxnjnf6-t57dj   NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   <none>          4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
3tkg-cluster-1-md-1-vfzhk-5b6bbbbc5cxqk85x-tj4df   Ready                         <none>          4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
4tkg-cluster-1-md-2-rpk4z-78466846fdxkdjsp-vfd9h   Ready                         <none>          4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
5tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-4v2tm                         NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   control-plane   4d21h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
6tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-d72g5                         Ready                         control-plane   4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2
7tkg-cluster-1-znr8h-j6899                         Ready                         control-plane   4d22h   v1.26.5+vmware.2

I will try to manually power the nodes back on. I did not have the chance to do that, they are now being deleted and recreated! Wow, cool

Update existing TKG cluster to use new Availability Zones

For details on how to update existing cluster to use new availabilty zones follow the official documentation here

Wrapping up

This finishes the exploration of this useful feature in TKG 2.3. It is very flexible and allows for very robust design of node placement. Opens up for designs with high availability requirements. I do like very much the choice to use vSphere clusters, vCenter servers and DRS host-groups as the different objects in vCenter to use.