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Deploy NSX-T 2.4 Edge Nodes on a N-VDS Logical Switch

·425 words·2 mins
Networking Troubleshooting Nsx
Andreas Marqvardsen
Andreas Marqvardsen
Always curious, always learning

To be able to deploy an Edge node or nodes in your lab or other environment where you only have 2 physical nic you must be able to deploy it on a N-VDS switch as you have already migrated all your kernels etc to this one N-VDS switch.

But trying to do this from the NSX-T 2.4 manager GUI you will only have the option to deploy it to VSS or VDS portgroups, the N-VDS portgroups are not visible at all.

So, I followed this blog by Amit Aneja which explains how this works.

So after I read this blog post I sat out to try this. I had to write down the api-script he used by hand because I could not find it when I searched for a example I could use. By using PostMan I filled out this:

{ "resource\_type": "EdgeNode",

"display\_name": "YourEdgevCenterInventoryName", "tags": \[\], "ip\_addresses": \[ "X.X.X.X"    (Your edge MGMT IP adress) \], "deployment\_config": { "vm\_deployment\_config": { "placement\_type": "VsphereDeploymentConfig", "vc\_id": "YourvCenterIDFromNSXTManager", "management\_network\_id": "YourLSPortGroupIDFromNSXTManager", "default\_gateway\_addresses": \[ "X.X.X.X" \], "compute\_id": "YourClusterIDFromNSXTManager", "allow\_ssh\_root\_login": true, "enable\_ssh": true, "hostname": "yourEdge\_FQDNName", "storage\_id": "YourDataStoreIDfromNSXTManager", "management\_port\_subnets": \[ { "ip\_addresses": \[ "YourEdgeIPMGMT\_AddressAgain" \], "prefix\_length": 24 } \],

"data\_network\_ids": \[ "This\_IS\_the\_ID\_of\_Your\_LS\_PortGroup\_for\_the\_Edge\_OverLayVLAN(NotTheHostOverlayVLAN)", "This\_IS\_the\_ID\_of\_Your\_LS\_PortGroup\_for\_the\_Edge\_VLANUplink1", "This\_IS\_the\_ID\_of\_Your\_LS\_PortGroup\_for\_the\_Edge\_VLANUplink1" \] }, "form\_factor": "SMALL",

"node\_user\_settings": { "cli\_username": "admin", "root\_password":"YourPasswordHere", "cli\_password":"YourPasswordHere"

} }


Then POST it to your NSX-T manager from Postman and after a short blink, the Edge is deployed, and you have to add it as a transport node in the NSX-T manager. Here it is important that you do this right at once, because (as I found out) this is a one-time config GUI where the first time you will be able to choose the right fp-eth nics. If you try to edit the edge deployment a second time it switches back to only showing the VDS/VSS portgroups. Then you have to redeploy.


Example screenshots:

Remember that the Uplink VLANs will belong to their own N-VDS (which you have already defined in their respective Transport Zone) which will not be created on the host, but the Edges. The first N-VDS are already in place on the Hosts. Its only the last two NICs which will be on their own Edge N-VDS switches.



I am not saying this is a best practice or the right way to do this, but it works in my lab environment so I can fully test out the latest NSX-T 2.4 and continue playing with PKS (when we get CNI plugins for NSX-T 2.4… are we there yet? are we there yet, are we there yet….. its hard to wait ;-) )


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